Image of the Week: Armor of Peace
© 2019 Durga Yael Bernhard
I just finished this illustration this morning. It's a commissioned piece for a Christian publisher who hires me each spring to illustrate a series of passages from the Bible. Many of these passages are symbolic, and if you can dive beneath the surface, quite thought-provoking. In this case it's a paradox, as expressed in the concept of "putting on faith and hope as a breastplate, and the hope of salvation as a helmet." (1 Thessaloneans 5).
The idea that inner strength can yield outer protection is hopeful indeed. Who among us would not benefit from such peaceful armor? In ancient times, when this passage was written, soldiers wore armor to protect themselves against arrows and spears. Today we are threatened by bullets and bombs, and the average person has no bullet-proof vest or bomb shelter. In a world of violence and hate, can encouragement, nurturing, and acceptance make a difference?
Spiritual literature from life-affirming traditions around the world says yes.
The passage illustrated here also emphasizes the power of daylight, "for those who sleep [as in lack of spiritual awareness], sleep at night; and those who get drunk, get drunk at night." We who hold hope in our hands therefore belong to the day. As a lover of sunshine, I like that.
I get to design some pretty cool fictitious clothing sometimes in my work. This might be the most cheerful outfit I've ever dreamed up – a Roman soldier fitted with all the blessings of a spring morning . . . such as now, in this beautiful month of May.
A good week to all!
D Yael Bernhard