Image of the Week: Ashokan High Point (Two Views)
© Durga Yael Bernhard
If you're local, you're probably familiar with the Ashokan High Point, the stately mountain that overlooks the south side of Ashokan Reservoir. The walkway along the edge of the lake also has a spacious view of the highest peaks of the Catskills to the west. It's a beautiful place to walk – and a popular spot for viewing bald eagles that nest in the tall pines along the shore.
I'm so familiar with this view, I was pretty much able to paint it from memory. As is my habit, I took a rather lousy photo with my cell phone – just to capture the unique shape of the mountain's silhouette. Crude photos serve well as landscape painting reference, as they remove the temptation to paint too realistically. There's simply not enough information. My goal is not to duplicate reality like a human camera, but to interpret and transform what I see.
This painting measures just 12" square, and is painted in oil on canvas. It's part of my "Eye on the Mountains" exhibition currently on view at Ulster Savings Bank.
Here's another view of Ashokan High Point that I painted over a decade ago at this time of year, just as the colors were beginning to blush. It's acrylic on paper, 28" wide:
Unlike the smaller painting above, this one was done on location. I drove part way up the mountain, and walked into this lovely sloping mountain meadow with my art supplies. The summit, with its distinctive spine descending like steps, loomed over the meadow. I've hiked to the summit several times, both in winter and summer. The last time I was up there, I saw a mother bear with three cubs.
As you can see, I was just beginning to experiment with diagonal brushwork here – a technique I've become increasingly fond of. See how it creates energy and movement?
Ashokan High Point, Spring isn't part of the exhibit at the bank, but it's for sale upon request.
I love revisiting the same subject more than once. Just as photographers keep coming back to the Ashokan Reservoir, I'm sure I'll produce more paintings of this amazing place.
"Eye on the Mountains" will be on view at the Phoenicia branch of Ulster Savings Bank until April 30th.
D Yael Bernhard