Image of the Week: Forgiveness

© D. Yael Bernhard
Selichot is the first painting in my new calendar, The Jewish Eye 5780/2020 Calendar of Art. The word means "forgiveness" in Hebrew, and is also the name of a lesser-known occasion on the Jewish calendar that is coming up on September 21st. Selichot is the time for leaving behind wrongdoings of the year that is coming to an end, in preparation for the new year that begins eight days later. Traditionally, Jews gather late at night for Leil Selichot, to engage in reflection and recite prayers.

My version of this concept draws upon other cultures as well. Years ago, I illustrated a non-fiction picture book about New Year's customs from around the world. Titled Happy New Year!, the book gave a sampling of traditions from China, Bali, Egypt, Ireland, Russia, Japan, the Iroquois nation, Diaspora Jews, ancient Rome, and more. Many of these cultures have customs specifically designed for saying goodbye to – or even destroying – the old year. I was particularly intrigued by the Roman god Janus, who has two faces – one looking backward and one forward.

Our month of January is named after Janus, who inspired me to create this two-faced painting with past and future personified. At first I had them facing in opposite directions, like Janus. But I wanted to depict an act of forgiveness . . . so just for a moment as one year ends and another begins, the future turns around and touches the past, forgiving all bygone errors.
Who among us would not be comforted by a future untainted by the past? We cannot erase our losses and regrets, but we can try to accept and forgive them. This sort of inner striving is just the beginning of the High Holiday season that begins with Selichot. It's a way of setting the stage for the year to come . . . hopefully with kindness for ourselves and others.
You don't have to be Jewish – or keep track of your life with a printed calendar – to enjoy The Jewish Eye. To my non-Jewish readers: thanks for your continuing interest in my art. I'll be featuring the art from this calendar for just a few more weeks as the Jewish New Year approaches, in an effort to make up for lost sales on Amazon due to a technical glitch. Please tell your friends and acquaintances about my calendar. It costs $18 on Amazon and $18 (including shipping) in my webstore. Thank you!

A good week to all,
D Yael Bernhard