Image of the Week: Goat Spirit
© Durga Yael Bernhard
It's Capricorn time – the time of the goat. From late December to late January, this hoofed and curious creature dances in the imaginations of astrologers. I'm not a big believer in astrology, but I do like archetypes and mythology. In ancient Sumeria, the mythic goat had the tail of a fish, called Enki. In Greek mythology, the god Zeus suckled on goat's milk. The original "horn of plenty" was a goat horn. Known for their curiosity and mischief, these lively creatures make ready symbols for human attributes.
Some of my dearest friends were born under the sign of the goat. They do tend to be frolicsome people, blessed (and sometimes cursed) with the spirit of adventure. We were all much younger and full of lust when I painted this image of a dancing goat over twenty years ago. This was probably one of my last "white outline" paintings, in which the figure is outlined in white (or paper showing through) – a technique I left behind long ago. (I keep meaning to revisit it, but my visions rarely allow it.)
The spirit of the goat is that of revelry. Surefooted even on a rocky precipice, he dances freely. Full of mirth, heedless of time, proudly erotic – I know a few people like that. They laugh a lot. They have great taste in music. They add color to life. Happy birthday to my Capricorn readers!
Goat Spirit is available as a poster ($10) or greeting card ($3.50). Visit my webstore to order the image of your choice. All prices include shipping.
A good week to all!
D Yael Bernhard