Image of the Week: Pharaoh of the Year
Forty years ago I took a class in editorial illustration at the School of Visual Arts in NYC. This form of commercial art consists mostly of black and white drawings which are published in newspapers to accompany op-ed articles. As a budding artist, I knew this would not be my path, yet I enjoyed the class very much. Once a year or so, I feel moved to do an editorial illustration.
Passover seems like the perfect occasion this year. It's traditional for Jews to tell the story of Exodus – the archetypal tale of liberation from slavery – around the seder table, and to discuss the tyrants of the day – for Pharaoh reincarnates in every era in different forms. Our time is no exception.
Today's Pharaoh sings a song of altruism, yet in its monstrous greed drives people with relentless fear, raking in trillions of dollars in taxpayer-funded profit; and escapes all liability for its actions, relying on a taxpayer-funded kangaroo court to pay billions of dollars each year for the damage it does.
This Pharaoh makes false promises and ruthlessly risks human health and life, yet is held less accountable for its products than the maker of a toaster or a baby stroller.
Like all tyrants, this Pharaoh casts anything it perceives as a threat into the Nile; tightens its grip on power at all costs to society; monopolizes media; invalidates independent thinking; crushes competition; silences skepticism; and demonizes dissent.
Next year in Jerusalem, as it is said at the end of the seder . . . will all Israelis capitulate to medical tyranny and carry the "Freedom Passports" instituted by their government? To hear such an Orwellian moniker coming from the Jewish state is especially painful on this Passover Eve. Will all people submit to Pharaoh's decree? Or will our human right to individual freedom of choice in determining our own health and wellness – and that of our children – be respected and preserved?
To my Jewish readers, a zissen Pesach. I'm welcoming friends to my seder table in person this year. No masks or passports required. Vitamin D is encouraged. What my guests do with their health is their decision. I have my own protection, and I'm not afraid. After all, sickness is a normal part of life – and a necessary part of what builds a healthy immune system.
I welcome your comments!