Image of the Week: So Do Not Be Afraid

© Durga Yael Bernhard
Unshakable faith in the face of adversity is a theme that runs through both Jewish and Christian spiritual literature. Faith itself is held out as a form of protection, as it is right mind and inner strength that connects us to that which is Eternal, the Source of Life that transcends death.
These are lofty concepts that fortunately for me, are easier to put into pictures than words. The Bible is full of natural disasters that are visually dramatic – from the Great Flood to the plagues of Egypt, from the deafening thunder and lightening at Mt. Sinai to the storm at sea when Jonah was thrown overboard.
Fires and storms may be less mysterious today, but they can still be quite catastrophic, and they are still powerful symbols of adversity and upheaval. Despite all that science explains and computers predict, life is still full of uncertainty and hardship, and the need for faith is as great as ever.
For me it was therapeutic to work on this illustration. The assigned passage from the Christian Bible likens faith to a sanctuary, a safe haven that cannot be touched by drought or wildfire, hurricane or tsunami. The earth itself may crumble, yet there is something within that is undisturbed.
I saw this inner faith as a white dove, encircled by hands, resting peacefully in an aperture of clear blue sky. The hands are earthen yet alive, like human clay – protective and steady.
What is your image of faith?
So Do Not Be Afraid is available as a poster ($10) or card ($3.50) in my webstore. All prices include shipping.
A good week to all!
D Yael Bernhard